Where has the passion gone ?

     “This day is Salvation (deliverance, freedom, rescue, healing) come to this house . . . For the Son of Man (Christ Jesus) is come to seek and to save the lost . . . !”   Luke 9-10

     Why have so many Christians forgotten the great Comission of the Lord Jesus, to Go into all this world (even your own town and neighborhood) and proclaim the Glad Tidings of Salvation !   Why have so many left that work to the pastors, and evangelists, rather than using every opportunity to share Christ through their own testimonies, as well as Bibles, literature, dvds and media ?

     May this preview of “The Way of the Master” series both inspire and convict us to take up that great work of our Lord and Saviour, and may it rekindle a passion in our souls to seek and to save the lost !

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