“And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of Light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers (servants) also be transformed as the servants of righteousness . . . whose end shall be according to their works !” – II Corinthians 11:14-15
Holistic methods of healing are flooding our world right now, and even being widely accepted as safe by the medical community, and even by many Christians . . . But what is the source of their power? and where does this path on which they lead finally bring you? Now see the Truth revealed !
CLICK Link for other resources on this subject – • Holistic and Mystical Medicine
CONTACT Eric Wilson at Isaiah Ministries to learn more, or speak with someone about scheduling a seminar or speaking engagement. – https://www.isaiahministries.online/
May our Saviour and Almighty God bless and keep you and your family this week !
your brother in Christ Jesus,
Eric Wilson and family – Isaiah Ministries