Warren Smith – The New Age Influence on Christianity ?


This know also, that in the last days . . . . perilous times shall come. For  . . . evil man and seducers (wizards, imposters) shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived . . . !”   II Timothy 3:1,13

“There is but One power that can break the hold of evil from the hearts of men, and that is the power of God in Jesus Christ. Only through the blood (Life – Leviticus 17:11) of the Crucified One is there cleansing from sin (Romans 6:10). His grace* alone can enable us to resist and subdue the tendencies of our fallen nature. The spiritualistic theories concerning God make His grace* of no effect. If God is an “essence” pervading all nature, then He dwells in all men; and in order to attain holiness, man has only to develop the power within himself.

These theories, followed to their logical conclusion, sweep away the whole Christian economy (plan of Salvation). They do away with the necessity for the atonement and make man his own savior.     These theories regarding God make His Word of no effect and those who accept them are in great danger of being led finally to look upon the whole Bible as a fiction. . . . !”
Ministry of Healing, p.428-429


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